Fred S. Berlin, M.D., Ph.D.
In 1966, John Money, Ph.D., initiated research at
The Johns Hopkins Hospital that constituted an
innovative approach to the treatment of
psychosexual disorders. The research involved
administration of antiandrogenic medication
("sex-drive-lowering medication") to men,
and subsequently to some women, afflicted
with such conditions. Psychosexual disorders, which include conditions such as exhibitionism, voyeurism and pedophilia are likely as prevalent as many of the more commonly recognized and diagnosed psychiatric illnesses. At the same time, they have also probably been among the most ignored in terms of research, training of qualified professionals to provide treatment, and treatment itself.
In 1980, as an extension of Dr. Money's earlier work, a sexual disorders clinic was formally established at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. This was primarily the result of an initiative by Fred S. Berlin, M.D., Ph.D. and Ann Falck, R.N. The intent then, as now, was to provide quality clinical care in a setting that encouraged scholarly research and teaching. Subsequently, the clinic gained national prominence.
In 1991, while continuing his work at Johns Hopkins with inpatients manifesting sexual disorders, Dr. Berlin established the "National Institute" as a free-standing private clinic. Today that clinic continues the tradition of providing care to patients with a variety of sexual disorders. It continues to be dedicated to the goal of learning more about prevention by learning more about offenders and their afflictions (particularly the paraphilias). Services offered include comprehensive psychiatric and forensic evaluations and consultations, individual, group and family therapy, pharmacotherapy, as well as seminars for professionals and the public.